Mini Workshop on Head-on IR

am session: room 100, bldg 208; pm session : room 101, bldg 200 (LAL-Orsay)

am session: room 100, bldg 208; pm session : room 101, bldg 200


Deepa Angal-Kalinin (AsTec Daresbury), Olivier Napoly (CEA/Saclay)
A working day, following the EUROTeV meeting, to review the status of the optics and simulation work which supports the 0 mrad crossing angle interaction region of the ILC. A telephone conference will be set up with SLAC starting at 3pm CET (6am Pacific). The main topics to be discussed: - final focus optics optimisation - extraction optics design - beam-beam background and beam loss studies - stability of collisions with parasitic crossings
    • Organisation of the EPAC'06 contribution room 100, bldg 208

      room 100, bldg 208


      We will review the proposed plan of the EPAC'06 paper and we will identify main contributors for each sections.

      EPAC Paper Outline
      Introduction (X) Motivations to study Alternative IR: machine, detector Final focus optics (Payet) Optimization : CCS, R34 @ PticXing, Doublet strength Dependence on parameter sets and CM Energy Tracking results Beam-Beam (Bambade) Pairs Low energy particle sprectrum : Pairs + Bhabhas + Spent Beam Extraction optics (Appleby) Optics design : space for Fast Feedback kickers (30 cm ??) Parameter of ES separator (20 m vs 25 m) Instrumentation Beam losses Dependence on parameter sets and CM Energy Parasitic crossings (Napoly) Limits on stability Effect of beam tail Conclusion (Y)
    • Review of the Existing Scientific Material room 100, bldg 208

      room 100, bldg 208


    • Preparation of the agenda of the presentations post 3 pm room 100, bldg 208

      room 100, bldg 208


      We will finalize the agenda of the presentations for afternoon teleconference with SLAC at 3 pm CET (6 am Pacific)

    • 12:30
      break am session: room 100, bldg 208; pm session : room 101, bldg 200

      am session: room 100, bldg 208; pm session : room 101, bldg 200


      Lunch Break

    • Simulation methods of parasitic crossings and beam stability room 101, bldg 200

      room 101, bldg 200


      We will discuss the methods for modelling the beam-beam collisions at the main and parasitic crossings, and for calculating their impact on the collision stability and on luminosity. The effect of beam tails will be investigated.

    • Teleconference with SLAC room 101, bldg 200

      room 101, bldg 200


      The actual timing is left to the speakers. The goal is to have thorough discussions.

      • 1
        Final Focus Optimisation
        Speaker: Dr Jacques Payet (CEA/Saclay)
      • 2
        Tracking Studies of the Final Focus
        Speaker: Dr Maria Carmen Alabau Pons (LAL-Orsay)
      • 3
        Progress on head-on extraction optics
        Speaker: Dr Julien Brossard (LAL-Orsay)
      • 4
        Beam-beam background
        Speaker: Dr Cécile Rimbault (LAL-Orsay)
      • 5
        Beam losses in the separators
        Speaker: Dr Olivier Napoly (CEA/Saclay)
      • 6
        Evaluation of beam losses up to the 5 mrad dipole
        Speaker: Dr Lewis Keller (SLAC)
      • 7
        Effect of a separator breakdown
        Speaker: Dr Lewis Keller (SLAC)
      • 8
        Discussion on parasitic crossings and collision stability
        Speakers: Dr Olivier Napoly (CEA-Saclay), Dr Stefan Tsenov (AsTec Daresbury)
      • 9
        Discussion and iteration on the organisation of the EPAC'06 paper
        We will present the organisation plan made in the morning to our SLAC colleagues and iterate on the material and contributors