24–26 Sept 2013
Europe/Warsaw timezone
This is the fifth meeting of the ILD detector concept. Previous meetings took pace in Zeuthen (Germany), Seoul (Korea), LAL (France), University Paris (France), and Kyushu (Japan). ILD is a concept for a detector at the planned international linear collider, ILC. In a slightly modifed form ILD is also studied as a candidate for an experiment at the CLIC linear collider. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the detector concept, develop a strategy for further optimization of the detector concept, and further the communication and exchange among the ILD members. A special focus of this meeting will be to plan the way ILD will develop over the next few years, as the ILC project moves forward after the delivery of the ILC TDR in June 2013. The meeting is open to any interested physicist, It will take place at the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN in Cracow (Poland), ul. Radzikowskiego 152. The meeting will consist of a mixture of plenary and parallel discussions.

NEW!!! Today at about 3.00 p.m. (at the end of the first coffee break) we will take the group photo. Everybody is kindly requested to gather in the hall.

Additional information: Upon arrival you will receive a lunch block (for lunches on 24 - 26 September)  which should be shown in the canteen.

Please check often this web page. There will be posted any current organizational information.

Connection via Fuzebox: -------------- Meeting URL http://fuze.me/21431931 Toll / Intl #: +1 (347) 817-7654 Toll free #: Meeting number: 21431931 --------------