18–21 Apr 2015
Japan timezone

The next CALICE collaboration-wide Meeting (CALICE2015) will be held at KEK hosted by Japanese institutes, from Sunday the 19th April until Tuesday 21st, as a part of Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW2015, 20-24 April).

All participants of the CALICE Collaboration Meeting are required to register BOTH for ALCW2015 AND and CALICE2015. The aim of CALICE 2015 registration is to collect information of participants, especially for the social events.

Participants are strongly encouraged to attend "ILC Tokyo Event" scheduled on Wednesday 22nd April.

This indico page is aimed at organizing the Collaboration Meeting (time table will be copied to the indico of ALCWS2015). For other information such as accommodations and travel information, please refer to the ALCW2015 webpage.

Please note that ALCW2015 conference fee (30,000 JPY for early registration) does not cover lunch on Sunday, as the workshop will start on Monday. Social events for CALICE members are not covered either.

Social events and Sunday lunch (Payment will be required at the meeting)

  • 18th April (Sat) Reception
  • 19th April (Sun) Lunch box
  • 20th April (Mon) Meeting Dinner

NEW: How to reach KEK on Sunday is given here.



