DESY meeting with KEK ILC Delegation

1b-EG-4 (DESY)



(AM) Elsen, E. (PM) Weise, H.
KEK participants:
Fumihiko Takasaki (head of KEK delegation)
Kaoru Yokoya (Head of KEK ILC group)
Hitoshi Hayano (Head of WG2)
Masao Kuriki (Head of WG3)
Kenji.Saito (Head of WG5)
Shuichi Noguchi (Expert on SRF-cavities ad related things)
Nobu Toge (Member of KEK LC-office)
Sakae Uchikoshi (KEK international office)

Please note that the afternoon session will be held in
Seminar room 1, BAH (Helgoland building 3, ground floor)

Afernoon coffee (after the TTF tour) will be in building 30b room 459, where we will stay for the remainder of the meeting.