8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Capture Cavities for the CW Polarized Positron Source Ce+BAF

10 Jul 2024, 09:00
1320 (Science building n.4 (CHANGED))


Science building n.4 (CHANGED)

Oral presentation (remote) Normal Conducting RF Normal conducting RF


Shaoheng Wang (Jefferson Lab)


The initial design of the capture cavities for the continuous wave (CW) polarized positron beams at Jefferson Lab (Ce+BAF) is presented. A chain of standing wave multi-cell copper cavities inside a solenoid tunnel are selected to bunch/capture positrons. The cavity design strategy is presented to accommodate constrains from the large phase distribution of the incident beams, RF power, radiation and RF heating, beam loading, etc. to improve the capture efficiency. A matrix of design parameters' range are given for future system optimization when the the capture cavities are considered together with other sub-systems and beam dynamics. The contents will also be useful for other CW cavity design for beams with large phase space distribution.

Primary author

Shaoheng Wang (Jefferson Lab)


Andriy Ushakov (Jefferson Lab) Haipeng Wang Joseph Grames (JLab) Dr Nabin Raut (Jefferson Lab) Robert Rimmer (JLab) Yves Roblin

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
