Jul 8 – 11, 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Presenters of oral and poster contributions to the workshop are invited to contribute a paper to the conference proceedings, which will be published in the peer-reviewed journal EPJ Web of Conferences

The submission of proceedings is open now from July 15th 2024,  till the deadline of September 16th 30th 2024. Go to the left-side event menu "Paper Peer Review" for submission and reviewing process. Please take a look at following guidelines from our publisher before submission. 

To the authors

  1. Instructions "how to prepare your article".
  2. Instructions "how to write title and abstract".
  3. Publication right form (to be signed by at least one of the authors).
  4. Ethical rules.
  5. General editorial guideline
  6. The templates are available on: https://www.epj-conferences.org/for-authors . As you can see, there are three different formats (Latex/Word one column/Word two columns). For consistency into the volume, the same template should be used for all articles: Latex / one column.
  7. Recommended length: 3-10 pages, though not strictly. 

Contact editor for questions:

Junping Tian (ICEPP, U. Tokyo)

(picutre: past "physical" LCWS proceedings since 1991, collected by Prof. Sachio Komamiya)