8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Physics Considerations for 10-30 TeV e+e-, γγ, and μ+μ- Colliders

9 Jul 2024, 09:20
1320 (CHANGED) (Science building n.4)

1320 (CHANGED)

Science building n.4

Oral presentation (in person) Advanced Accelerator Concepts Advanced Accelerator Concepts


Michael Peskin


After the program of Higgs boson physics at a linear collider is completed, we expect that the long, straight tunnel can be used with advanced acceleration methods, such as plasma wakefield, to create a higher-energy collider in the 10's of TeV CM region. This might be an e+e- or a γγ collider. (Circular) muon colliders are also discussed for this energy regime. I will discuss the physics goals of these machines, the luminosity requirements, and the trade-offs among the μ+μ-, e+e-, and γγ options.

Primary author

Michael Peskin

Presentation materials