8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Laser and plasma accelerator research for high energy physics at the BELLA Center

8 Jul 2024, 17:30
Foyer (Ito International Research Center)


Ito International Research Center

Poster (in person) Advanced Accelerator Concepts Posters


Kei Nakamura (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


The BELLA Center has been pursuing laser and laser-plasma accelerator (LPA) research for high energy physics. One of the ultimate goals is to provide a building block for future linear colliders. At the flagship 1-Hz 1-PW laser facility, the development of a 10-GeV class LPA module is ongoing, and such modules in series are envisioned as the path to a high energy collider at TeV energies and beyond. To achieve the desired luminosities required for such a collider, high repetition-rate (tens of kHz) laser sources are needed. To meet these requirements, the BELLA Center is pursuing a promising technology based on the coherent combining of fiber lasers. In this presentation, the current status of those researches are discussed.

Primary author

Kei Nakamura (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


Dr Alexander Picksley (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Dr Anthony Gonsalves (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Cameron Geddes (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Carl Schroeder Eric Esarey (LBNL) Jens Osterhoff (Lawrence Berkeley National Laborator) Dr Jeroen van Tilborg (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Dr Tong Zhou (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Presentation materials