8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

A BSM world with doubly charged scalars. Consequences for e+e- projects.

10 Jul 2024, 14:40
Sanjo Hall

Sanjo Hall

Oral presentation (remote) BSM, Global Interpretations BSM, Global Interpretations


Dr Francois Richard (IJCLAB)


In the recent years a large set of indications for BSM scalars has been observed in LHC data. After a brief description of the most significant indications, this presentation intends to give a consistent interpretation in terms of a generalised Georgi Machacek model which predicts a doubly charged scalar indicated by ATLAS data. Consequences for currently planned e+e- colliders will be sketched. An updated description of this work can be found in Arxiv 2308.12180.

Primary authors

Presentation materials