8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Metrology in the integrated luminosity measurement at ILC

10 Jul 2024, 16:40
341 (Science building n.1)


Science building n.1

Oral presentation (remote) Calorimetry, Muon Calorimetry, Muon detectors


Dr Ivan Smiljanic (VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade (RS))


Possibility that the ILD detector might be realized at a future e+e- collider calls for quantification of precision of the integrated luminosity measurement, assuming here the ILC operating scenarios at the Z-pole, 250 GeV, 500 GeV and 1 TeV center-of-mass energies. This is the first comprehensive study of the systematic uncertainties in integrated luminosity measurement at ILC, rising from metrology (detector positioning and alignment, beam properties and delivery to the IP), after the generic estimates given in LC-DET-2005-004.

Primary authors

Dr Ivan Smiljanic (VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade (RS)) Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic (University of Belgrade (RS))


Dr Goran Kacarevic (VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade (RS))

Presentation materials

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