In complement to the development activities for fusion reactors (JT-60SA & ITER), Fusion for Energy contributes to the R&D for material characterisation facilities. Within the Broader Approach agreement, different actors from Europe to Japan collaborate to develop and assemble in Japan the LIPAC, a technical demonstrator of a D+ accelerator that will be used to produce neutron by nuclear stripping reaction on a liquid Li target.
In 2024, the LIPAC is getting ready for the installation of the SRF cryomodule that will conclude its construction. Started in March 2019, the assembly was paused a first time to solve technical problems on its solenoids. Resumed in August 2022, the assembly was paused a second time after the completion of the cavity/coupler assembly to fix additional issues. In April 2024, the assembly restarted with the completion of the beam line. In this talk/paper, we will present and details the different steps of the cleanroom assembly and how the different technical difficulties were overcome.