8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Towards field emission free cavity processing and string assembly at Fermilab

10 Jul 2024, 11:55
207 (Science building n.1)


Science building n.1

Oral presentation (in person) Superconducting RF Superconducting RF


Genfa Wu


Cavities and cryomodules assembled at Fermilab have demonstrated unprecedented field emission (FE) free gradients. However, consistent FE-free performance is not guaranteed. Many lessons were learned, and continued vigilance is a must. In addition, several improvements have been identified to further push the state-of-the-art low particulate cavity processing and assembly at Fermilab. Those included the optimization of nitrogen flow, robotic-assisted assembly, and low-particulate fasteners. We share our latest results and vision for the future clean assemblies of cavities and cryomodule strings.

Primary author

Genfa Wu

Presentation materials