8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Support for students

The Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology (AAA) will sponsor the registration fee for a limited number of students.

Please note that this support is only for waiver of the registration fee and it does not include any other support of eg. travel fee or accommodation.

Students who would like to take advantage of this support should complete registration first, ensuring to select "Apply for support (waiver) of registration fee". Please do not yet pay the registration fee. We need to collect following documents for evaluation.

  • Applicant's CV
  • Purpose of attending the workshop and related research background (in ~300 words)
  • Letter from a supervisor, including an explanation of the financial situation (in ~300 words), which can be sent separately by e-mail
  • Title of your talk or poster, if you (plan to) submit an abstract

These materials are to be submitted by separate application form, but since we reached acceptable number of approval, the application has been closed.