Beam Dynamics: 1
- Andrea Latina (CERN)
Beam Dynamics: 2
- Andrea Latina (CERN)
- Nikolay Solyak (FNAL)
The Cool Copper Collider (C3) is a novel electron-positron linear collider concept that utilizes a cryogenically-cooled copper accelerator technology. It is designed to accelerate 133 bunches of electrons/positrons from 10 GeV to 125 GeV while preserving the beam quality. In order to achieve the target beam’s luminosity, careful studies of the long-range higher order modes (HOM) wakefield...
Achieving high instantaneous luminosity while managing the beam-induced background (BIB) is critical for the successful operation of any future electron-positron ($e^{+}e^{-}$) collider. In this talk, we will present the first extensive luminosity studies for a proposed linear $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider, the Cool Copper Collider (C$^3$), as discussed in arXiv:2403.07093. We begin with a theoretical...
The present ILC beamline will be presented.
Machine Learning studies at KEK will be presented.
The CLIC RTML was simulated and optimised for the 380 GeV energy stage. Some remaining problems in the RTML design were solved and the baseline design was finalised. The cost for the BC2 and the bunch phase shift effect were minimised.Static imperfections were studied with the emittance budget well achieved after BBA corrections. Jitter amplification was also studied. The possibility of using...
The high luminosity specifications for future linear colliders, such as the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), require extremely small vertical beam emittance at the interaction point. Achieving this relies on minimizing the emittance growth in the collider sub-systems. One major source of emittance growth is in the Main Linac, mainly due to misaligned quadrupoles and accelerating structures. The...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) proposes a linear accelerator system aimed at colliding electrons and positrons at energies up to 3 TeV. To explore novel physics and enhance competitiveness with other collider projects, CLIC is considering increasing the center-of-mass energy to 7 TeV. A crucial component of the CLIC infrastructure is the Beam Delivery System (BDS), responsible for...
For future particle colliders, cavity Beam Position Monitors (cBPMs) have emerged as the optimal solution for precisely measuring the beam position, crucial for guiding and stabilizing high-energy beams with nanometer precision, thus enhancing luminosity at the interaction point. Resonant BPMs operate under the principle of detection of specific field configurations (resonant modes) induced by...
For future particle colliders, cavity Beam Position Monitors (cBPMs) have emerged as the optimal solution for precisely measuring the beam position, crucial for guiding and stabilizing high-energy beams with nanometer precision, thus enhancing luminosity at the interaction point. Resonant BPMs operate under the principle of detection of specific field configurations (resonant modes) induced by...