ATF2-IN2P3-KEK kick-0ff meeting

Annecy, France

Annecy, France

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the participation in the ATF2 project of the three IN2P3 groups at LAL-Orsay, LAPP-Annecy and LLR-Polytechnique, following approval and initial funding by the newly created French research funding agency ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche). The topics covered are beam tuning/optimisation and participation in the commissioning, GEANT4 modeling of the beam line and simulations to estimate backgrounds from beam losses, support and active stabilisation of the final doublet and equipment, related beam instrumentation, porting of results to the final focus of a linear collider and analysis of impact. The meeting agenda will revolve around these topics to review the current activities and status in each, and help orient and integrate the starting IN2P3 effort.