ATF2-IN2P3-KEK kick-0ff meeting

Annecy, France

Annecy, France

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the participation in the ATF2 project of the three IN2P3 groups at LAL-Orsay, LAPP-Annecy and LLR-Polytechnique, following approval and initial funding by the newly created French research funding agency ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche). The topics covered are beam tuning/optimisation and participation in the commissioning, GEANT4 modeling of the beam line and simulations to estimate backgrounds from beam losses, support and active stabilisation of the final doublet and equipment, related beam instrumentation, porting of results to the final focus of a linear collider and analysis of impact. The meeting agenda will revolve around these topics to review the current activities and status in each, and help orient and integrate the starting IN2P3 effort.
    • Introductory session I Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      • 1
        Welcome, any comment on practical matters Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Ms Andrea Jeremie (LAPP)
      • 2
        ATF2 project in the ATF international collaboration, including coordination issues Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Junji Urakawa
      • 3
        Status of ATF2-project, including update on schedule and funding situation Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK)
    • 10:00
      Coffe/Tea Salle des Monts Perdus

      Salle des Monts Perdus

      Annecy, France

    • Introductory session II Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      • 4
        Motivation for this meeting, overview of planned IN2P3 contribution, organisation Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Philip Bambade (LAL, Orsay)
      • 5
        Possible UK and other EU contributions to ATF2 Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Grahame Blair (RHUL)
    • Visit of LAPP installation and CLIC table setup
    • 12:00
    • Background Evaluation Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      with phone connection to RHUL and Lisbon
      (use ++ 33156781940 without access code for phone

      • 6
        Halo simulation in ATF extraction line Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Lawrence Deacon (RHUL)
      • 7
        Planned GEANT4 developments at LLR for ATF2 Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Marc Verderi (LLR)
      • 8
        Backgrounds from beam losses in the ILC extraction line, setup BDSIM on GRID Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Olivier Dadoun (LAL Orsay)
      • 9
        Background study at ILC-IR Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK)
      • 10
        Discussion Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

    • 15:30
      Coffee/Tea Salle des Monts Perdus

      Salle des Monts Perdus

      Annecy, France

    • FD support and IP layout Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      • 11
        Status of general layout around IP
        Speaker: Dr Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK)
      • 12
        Support system of Shintake monitor
        Speaker: Dr Tatsuya Kume (KEK)
      • 13
        Status of FD magnets and data on FFTb supports for FD quadrupoles
        Speaker: Dr Cherrill Spencer (SLAC)
      • 14
        Overview of LAPP contribution to ATF2 and latest information in CERN table capabilities
        Speaker: Ms Andrea Jeremie (LAPP)
      • 15
    • Instrumentation session Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      • 16
        New beam size monitor at IP
        Speaker: Dr Junji Urakawa (KEK)
        more information
      • 17
        Status of IP-BPM R&D
        Speaker: Dr Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK)
      • 18
        Status of Shintake monitor development
        Speaker: Dr Tatsuya Kume (KEK)
      • 19
        Experience with the Gas Ionisation Beam Size Measurement at FFTB
        Speaker: Dr Patrick Puzo (LAL)
      • 20
        Discussion, including articulation of commissioning plan for instrumentation and beam line
    • 11:00
      Coffee/Tea Salle des Monts Perdus

      Salle des Monts Perdus

      Annecy, France

    • FD support and stabilisation I Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      • 21
        Support and alignment system for non FD magnets
        Speaker: Dr Ryuhei Sugahara (KEK)
      • 22
        Active stabilization of Q magnets at ILC
        Speaker: Dr Ryuhei Sugahara (KEK)
      • 23
        Update on CERN table frequency response to vibrations
        Speaker: Ms Andrea Jeremie (LAPP)
      • 24
        Phase monitor of interference at Shintake monitor
        Speaker: Dr Tatsuya Kume (KEK)
      • 25
        Discussion of relative stabilisation of FD and Shintake interference pattern
    • 13:00
    • Optics tuning and commissioning Auditorium


      Annecy, France

      (use ++ 33156781940 without access code in case of
      phone conference)

    • 16:00
      Coffee/Tea Salle des Monts Perdus

      Salle des Monts Perdus

      Annecy, France

    • Break-out sessions in 2 smaller groups for more detailed technical discussions Auditorium


      Annecy, France

      1) Optical tuning strategy.
      2) Relative stability of IP beam measurement and FD.

    • 20:00
      Workshop dinner in Annecy
    • FD hardware pending questions I Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      phone connection with Toshiyuki Oguki at KEK ?
      (use ++ 33156781940 without access code for phone

      • 30
        Investigation shortening of FFTB mechanical supports for FD quadrupoles Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Nicolas Geffroy (LAPP)
      • 31
        Overview of possible layout of all planned elements on CERN table, proposed schedule for 2007 Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Ms Andrea Jeremie (LAPP)
      • 32
        Design/Production/Transport of FD magnets/supports to KEK including some via LAPP Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

        Speaker: Dr Cherrill Spencer (SLAC)
      • 33
        Discussion Salle des Sommets

        Salle des Sommets

        Annecy, France

    • 11:00
      Coffee/Tea Salle des Monts Perdus

      Salle des Monts Perdus

      Annecy, France

    • FD hardware pending questions II Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      Phone connection with Toshiyuki Oguki at KEK ?
      (use ++ 3315678940 without access code for phone

      Discussion leaders: Andrea Jeremie, Ryuhei Sugahara.

      Discussion on whether we can decide on using the
      CERN for FD support, and/or what remains to be
      checked to decide.

      Discussion on proposal plan.

    • 12:30
    • Time for more discussions
    • Closing session Salle des Sommets

      Salle des Sommets

      Annecy, France

      • 34
        Concluding remarks and summary perspective for collaboration on ATF2 and develpment of IN2P3 effort
        Speaker: Dr Philip Bambade (LAL Orsay)
      • 35
        Final comment
        Speaker: Dr Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK)