7th LCTPC Analysis meeting

Room: 1D/O1.435 (DESY)

Room: 1D/O1.435


Tuesday 5 February 2013 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 05.00 08.00 14.00 22.00 PLEASE NOTE: LCTPC WP meetings are done by Fuzebox; To join the meeting from your computer or mobile device, click or copy and paste this URL into your browser: https://www.fuzemeeting.com/fuze/95a80de2/18436155 To join the audio portion of this meeting, choose your dial in method: Dial-in Number: +16465837415 Skype: fuzeaudioplus International Numbers: https://www.fuzemeeting.com/numbers1 When prompted enter the pin number: Attendee Pin Number: 14568740 Having trouble joining this meeting? Click or copy and paste this URL into your browser to visit the Fuze Support page: http://www.fuzemeeting.com/support Thank you for using Fuze Meeting.
    • 14:00 14:20
      Preliminary analysis of the Japanese test beam 12-2012 20m
      Speaker: Mr Philippe Gros (Saga University)
    • 14:20 14:40
      2013 run overview 20m
      Speaker: Paul COLAS (CEA/Irfu Saclay)
    • 14:40 15:00
      Drift velocity and table z calibration 20m
      Speaker: Nicholi Shiell (Carleton University)
    • 15:00 15:20
      Resolution and distortions 20m
      Speaker: Wenxin Wang (CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (CEA))
    • 15:20 15:40
      Comparison with previous results 20m
      Speaker: Madhu Sudan Dixit (Centre for Research in Part. Phys. (CRPP)-Carleton University)
    • 15:40 16:00
      Expectations for distortions 20m
      Speaker: Klaus Zenker (DESY)