Date/Time: 10:30~17:30 JST, June 13, 2015
Place: Room 425, Building No.3, KEK
Official Language: English
Video Conference ID: 437 (KEK MCU2)
Fuze connection:
A Summary of The 42nd General Meeting of the ILC Physics Subgroup
June 13, 2015 (Sat) at Room 425, Building 3, KEK
0) Attendants:
Present at KEK:
A.Ishikawa (Tohoku)
K.Fujii (KEK)
J.Tian (KEK)
J.Yan (KEK)
T.Ogawa (Sokendai)
M.Kurata (Tokyo)
D.Jeans (Tokyo)
K.Hidaka (Tokyo Gakugei)
J.Strube (PNNL)
Remote connection:
T.Tanabe (Tokyo)
S.Kawada (Hiroshima)
K.Ikematsu (Saga)
Y.Sudo (Kyushu)
T.Tomita (Kyushu)
T.Suehara (Kyushu)
0) Opening comments (K.Fujii)
1) Leptonic recoil mass analysis (Jacqulline Yan)
Improvements since the last meeting:
Z->ee in addition to Z->mm
all Ecm
both xsec and mh measurements
improved selection to minimize bias
better fitting technique (use of Kernel function for signal)
Dominant BG:
ZZ (llX), gamma Z (gamma ll), WW (llvv)
New cuts:
vector pt sum (dl+gamma)
cos(theta_missing) (applied only when an energetic gamma is there)
Cross section measurements:
(-0.8,+0.3) 2.7% 38MeV
(+0.8,-0.3) 2.9% 38MeV
(-0.8,+0.3) 3.2% 97MeV
(+0.8,-0.3) 3.6% 105MeV
(-0.8,+0.3) 5.0% 450MeV (BG fit with wider window)
(+0.8,-0.3) 5.3% 540MeV (BG fit with wider window)
The results above are with fixed BG.
If we float BG, xsec error is 10% effect on mh.
BG fluctuation is about 1%.
Checked selection bias -> confirmed model-independence
C: acceptance hole must be covered LumiHCAL
Next Step:
- increase MC statisitics
- ZZ fusion analysis (Zee)
- semi-model independent analysis
visible and invisible Higgs separately.
2) Plan by Next weekend & some trials (Masakazu Kurata)
- ilcsoft v01-17-07
Particle ID modules
- new jet clustering
Particle ID:
implementing requests from Jenny: getType(), getPDG(), getLikelihood(), …
vector of posterior probabilities for different hypothsis.
Jet clustering
DICLUS: dipole jet clustering
3->2 process, all the other algorithms are 2->1.
-> tried this starting from 20 jets by Durham.
-> so far no significant improvements seen for the qqbbbb sample
Separation of quark and gluon jets
jet broadening
-> For 20 jets by Durham,
Next Step:
- Polish up PID module for v01-17-07
- For top WS, study/improve LCFIPlus.
- For software WS, clean up and make the code public.
3) Anomalous HVV couplings (Tomohisa Ogawa)
Anomalous HVV couplings:
SM-like, FF, FFtilde
Zh production:
- production angle of Z
- delta phi (angle btw production and decay planes of Z)
- sigma_Zh
Update on analysis based on the recoil mass technique
mmh and eeh
Event selection
try to avoid any cuts on Z angles
-> acceptance function much improved.
efficiency ~ 0.8 for mu
~ 0.7 for e
-> contour plots obtained for a, b, and bt.
Next Step:
- Improve selection: better lepton finder.
- Require h->bb and see how it affects the precision.
4) H->tau tau (Daniel Jeans)
It is the first report on a new project.
Physics target: Higgs CP study,..
tau decay BR:
~11%: pi+ v -> this talk
~25%: pi+ pi0 v
~35%: l+ v v
Kinematical reconstruction of taus from thier pi+/- v decays
250GeV Whizard 2.2.2 with private Tauola interface.
1st approach:
-> found that the initial neutrino momentum is very important
for convergence of the fit.
2nd approach:
Try to calculate unknowns.
-> find neutrino momentum in the plane spanned by the PCA vector
and pi+ momentum.
-> 4 solutions per event.
-> choose the best by making the overall pt as small as possible,
by comparing |pz| and Emis, and by looking at m_tautau.
Next Step:
- apply kin. fit for identified solution.
- apply to tau->rho v decay.
- Higgs CP measurement.
5) Off-shell Higgs contribution, new jet culustering (Junping Tian)
Off-shell H decay used to constrain Gamma_h at LHC.
This talk:
-> off-shell/on-shell ~ 3%
Similar investigation about vvWW and vvtt
-> seems to be the off-shell H contribution can be ignored
in the recoil mass measurements.
New jet-clustering
Potential impact on HHH coupling:
40% if we have perfect color-singlet clustering.
We know that Durham is correct till 20 mini-jets.
idea is to assign at this level the probability using parton shower PDF.
Next Step:
- check the 20 min-jets are really partons.
- construct likelihood for parton showering
6) Top Yukawa coupling study at 500 GeV (Yuji Sudo)
500GeV (500fb-1), (-0.8,+0.3)
K-factor (0.843) applied to the signal.
Updated 6f xsec values using DBD official values.
Improve 6f event shape.
Try BDT.
(-0.8,+0.3) 2.17 (8j) -> 1.93
2.00 (l6j) -> 1.72
1.02 (2l2j -> 0.88
TMVA: 1st try suggests that we might get ~20% improvement.
C: It seems to be overtrained.
There still seems to be some inconsistency in cross section estimates
between physsim (tbW) and Whizard (6f).
Next step:
- Resolve the problem with the cross section estimates.
- Increase BG statistics.
- Then TMVA.
7) ZH: Recoil mass using Z->qq (Tatsuhiko Tomita)
Update: added new categorization according to #jets.
jet-clustering using fixed y-cut (difference from Mark’s analysis)
ZH->qqH @250GeV (250fb-1)
Decay mode dependence:
after categorization
deviation from the mean efficiency < 3.5% (sigma. stat)
except for h->invisible, gg (~5%)
(-0.8,+3) : delta sigma / sigma = 2.7%
(+0.8,-3) : delta sigma / sigma = 2.4%
-> 5% BR change produces only ~0.5% effect on xsec.
ZH->qqH @350GeV (333fb-1)
Decay mode dependence:
after categorization
deviation from the mean efficiency: >8% for h->gg
maybe y-cut is too small.
(-0.8,+3) : delta sigma / sigma = 3.1%
(+0.8,-3) : delta sigma / sigma = 3.1%
nees more effort.
Next Step:
- 500GeV by new student.
- 350GeV also. -> There is much room for improvements.
-> tuning of y-cut value.
C: H20 requires a reasonable gHZZ measurement at 500GeV.
8) Discussions: all
See slides by Junping.
1) Higgs analysis
Recoil mass at 500GeV, now very important for H20
New student for hadronic recoil at 500GeV
Jaqueline for leptonic recoil at 500GeV
Daniel (CPV)
Comprehensive hVV anomalous coupling study with various modes
Ono, Junping, Ogawa
h->gamma gamma, mu mu
Claude, Junping, Kurata
ttbar threshold
Ozawa (Tohoku, new student)
2) BSM
gamma DM DM
EWkino with 15 GeV mass difference
Fast simulation parameter scan (M1, M2, mu)
2-fermion processes
Flavor violating decays of h
h-> mu tau, b s
H+H-, HA
Abhinav left the group.
3) Systematic uncertainties
W mass: Tsuchimoto
Beam spectrum effect:
Jacqulline for recoil mass
Ozawa for ttbar threshold
Flavor tagging
The slides shown at the meeting is available from
see them for details.
*) Meeting Schedule:
Next general meeting (2015/09/05 10:30) : Conf.ID: 603
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