The meeting will take place in the Ernest Rutherford Physics Building (ERP, 3600 University Street), located at the corner of University and Prince-Arthur streets. The entrance to the building is actually not located on University Street but on the campus side. The following interactive map should prove useful for orienting oneself on campus: McGill Campus map. An alternative PDF map is also available here.
Main Sessions
The main sessions will be held in the Bell Room (#103) located on the ground floor. A full timetable will be released closer to the date. Remote presentations are unfortunately not possible. The ERP building layout of the 1st floor can be found here.
Technical Board and Institute Board Meetings
The TB and IB will convene around noon in room #305 A&B (2 floors up, ahead south side from elevator) on the Wednesday and Thursday respectively. More details will be provided when the timetable is set.
Coffee Breaks
Breaks will take place mid-mornings and mid-afternoons in the nearby Board Room (#105).
Lunch will generally not be provided during the conference. Participants will be free to eat wherever they choose, e.g. on campus. There are also a variety of restaurant options in the area, which can be explored in the following interactive Downtown map.
eduroam is available on campus. As of 2019, a guest network has also be installed for all visitors. Click on guest.mcgill.ca to get the information on how to connect with self-registering. The connection is valid for 24 hours but can be repeated every day.