Oct 26 – 29, 2021
Fully online format
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Thank you to all speakers and all participants for joining ILCX2021!

The ILC International Development Team (IDT) will hold the ILC Workshop on Potential Experiments (ILCX) in a fully-online format from October 26 to 29, 2021.

[Important] Zoom passcode has been sent to all participants (sender address: ilcx2021@ml.post.kek.jp). If you don't receive the passcode, please contact the local organizing committee immediately!

Currently, we are experiencing a problem with "Detailed view" of the timetable, and IT team is already aware of that. Instead of using the detailed view feature, another timetable format might be helpful to you.

With the anticipation that the ILC will be realized in the near future, we would like to expand discussions about all possible experimental opportunities at the ILC laboratory. The workshop will address all the aspects of the collider program at the Interaction Point (IP), including, in addition to the established concepts, ideas for new detector technologies or concepts, detector performance and physics reach, software and computing, and theoretical developments. In addition, we will discuss possible beam dump experiments, forward detectors near the IP, off-axis far detectors, experiments with extracted beams for particle physics and other areas of science, including e.g. nuclear physics, or condensed matter physics. Some of these ideas will require additional infrastructure and civil engineering, and therefore need to be incorporated into the ILC site planning.

The workshop organizing committee is the Executive Board of IDT, and the program committee is the Steering Group of Working Group 3 (Physics and Detectors) of IDT.

ILCX2021 is hosted by IDT, KEK and JAHEP ILC Steering Panel.

Potential ILC Experiments

Fully online format
Zoom meeting rooms