ILC Workshop on Potential Experiments (ILCX2021)
October 26 to 29, 2021 (fully-online)
Second Circular (September 3, 2021)
Dear colleagues,
The ILC Workshop on Potential Experiments (ILCX2021) will be held in a fully-online format from October 26 to 29, 2021.
We are pleased to announce that registration and abstract submission are now open.
<Registration and workshop fee>
You can sign up and register yourself through the "Registration" page:
The workshop fee is FREE.
For those who have already registered during the pre-registration period, you don't have to register again.
<Plenary sessions>
The time table of the workshop is setup to maximize attendance of plenary sessions from many parts of the world.
From Day-1 to Day-3, we will have two-hours plenary sessions from 21:30 (JST), 18:00 (IST), 14:30 (CEST), 8:30 (EDT), and 5:30 (PDT) each day.
JST: Japan Standard Time
IST: Indian Standard Time
CEST: Central European Summer Time
EDT: Eastern Daylight Time
PDT: Pacific Daylight Time
On Day-4, two plenary summary sessions and one final plenary session are scheduled.
More detailed information will be provided in a third (final) circular.
In addition, updates on the workshop program will be regularly posted on the website.
<Parallel sessions>
We will organize 23 parallel-session tracks as follows:
Session A: Software / Computing
Session B: Calorimeters
Session C: Tracking detectors
Session D: New technologies & ideas for collider detectors
Session E: Industry forum
Session F: Higgs properties
Session G: Top / Heavy flavour / QCD
Session H: BSM particle production
Session I: Electroweak physics
Session J: Global interpretations
Session K: Modeling & precision theory
Session L: MDI-CFS
Session M: MDI-BDS & physics
Session N: Communication
Session O: Fixed target / Dark sectors / Applications outside particle physics
Session P: Detector engineering
Session Q: Machine - SRF
Session R: Machine - Sources
Session S: Machine - BDS / Nano beam / DR
Session T: Machine - CFS
Session U: Machine - ILC application (to physics, material science, etc.)
Session V: Alternative collider modes
Session W: Green ILC
MDI: Machine-Detector Interface
CFS: Conventional Facilities and Siting
BDS: Beam Delivery System
SRF: Superconducting Radiofrequency
DR: Damping Ring
A list of session conveners can be found at the "Scientific Programme" page:
<Abstract submission>
The Program Committee is now accepting abstracts for the parallel sessions.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is set to September 24, 2021.
Please submit your abstract at your earliest convenience through the "Call for Abstracts" page:
<Important dates>
Abstract submission deadline: September 24 (Fri), 2021
Registration deadline: October 25 (Mon), 2021
Workshop dates: October 26 (Tue) to 29 (Fri), 2021
Best regards,
Hitoshi Murayama
Chair of the Program Committee of ILCX2021
ILCX2021 Secretariat
email: ilcx2021[at]