Michihisa Takeuchi
(Osaka Univ.)
To generate the baryon asymmetry of the universe, new CP violation sources are needed beyond the Standard Model. We consider a two Higgs doublet model with the CP violation. In this model, the property of the Heavy higgs bosons relevant to the CP phases would be important. We discuss the testability of the model at LHC and ILC.
1st preferred time slot for your oral presentation | 15:30-17:30 JST (8:30-10:30 CEST, 2:30-4:30 EDT, 23:30-1:30 PDT) |
2nd preferred time slot for your oral presentation | 13:00-15:00 JST (6:00-8:00 CEST, 0:00-2:00 EDT, 21:00-23:00 PDT) |
Primary author
Michihisa Takeuchi
(Osaka Univ.)