8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

WIMP search at future lepton collider

8 Jul 2024, 17:30
Foyer (Ito International Research Center)


Ito International Research Center

Poster (in person) BSM, Global Interpretations Posters


Atsuya Niki (University of Tokyo)


Minimal dark matter is one of the most motivated dark matter candidates, and many analyses at collider experiments for this model have been discussed. In our work, we considered the search for minimal dark matter at future high-energy lepton collider experiments. We found that the indirect search, which measures the quantum correction to the muon elastic scattering, is much more sensitive than the direct search. We also discussed the usefulness of the polarised muon beam in this search.

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Primary authors

Atsuya Niki (University of Tokyo) Dr Hajime Fukuda (University of Tokyo) Mr Shang-Fu Wei (University of Tokyo) Prof. Takeo Moroi (University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials

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