Albertus Panuluh
(Hiroshima University)
We study the quark sector of the universal seesaw model with $SU(2)_L × SU(2)_R × U(1)_{Y'}$ gauge symmetry in the massless limit of the two lightest quark families. This model aims to explain the mass hierarchy of the third family quark by introducing a vector-like quark partner for each quark. In addition to the Standard Model Higgs doublet, we also introduce one right-handed Higgs doublet. In this presentation, we show the $Z, Z’, h, H$ FCNC for the third family quark ($t,b$) and the heavy partner ($t’,b’$).
Primary author
Albertus Panuluh
(Hiroshima University)
Takuya Morozumi
(Hiroshima University)