In this paper we report on the design, fabrication, tuning and high-power RF testing of the fundamental accelerating structure for the Cool Copper Collider (CCC). The results presented here cover the temperature range from room temperature to liquid nitrogen boil off: 20oC - 77 K
At room temperature, RT, with a N2 gas purge of 1 atmosphere, the CCC structure was tuned to a resonance frequency of < fo> = 5.693 420 GHz, at 77K the structure tuned frequency is reported as < fo> = 5.712 057 667 GHz. The repeatability of the CCC structure to undergo both vacuum pump down and thermal cycles from RT to LN2 will be presented.
For the high-power RF testing the CCC structure was immersed in liquid nitrogen at the Radiabeam C-Band test facility. High Power RF breakdown data will be present along with our future experimental plans.