8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Cryomodule Test Buncer for ITN

10 Jul 2024, 11:20
207 (Science building n.1)


Science building n.1

Oral presentation (in person) Superconducting RF Superconducting RF


Kota Nakanishi (KEK) kota Nakanishi (KEK)


ITN is an acronym for "ILC Technology Network".
It is an international framework for the technological development outlined in the Work Package(WP).
KEK plans to produce one cryomodule equipped with eight superconducting 9-cell cavities for WP1 and 2 from 2023 and perform performance measurements in 2027.
A test facility will be required to perform the measurements.
We are preparing the cryogenics for the facility.
The refrigerator (Linde LR280) currently operating at KEK will be dedicated to that.
The helium transfer line was designed.
The design was based on KEKB's transport line design, but it was slightly modified because ILC does not use liquefied nitrogen for the radiation shield.
The 2K refrigerator, purification filter, and other equipment are also considered. We will report on the status of those.

Primary authors

Kota Nakanishi (KEK) kota Nakanishi (KEK)


Hirotaka NAKAI (KEK) Mr Kazufumi Hara (KEK) Dr Hirotaka Shimizu (KEK) Mr Teruya Honma (KEK) Ms Shiori Kessoku (KEK)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
