8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Exploring new physics by loop-corrected decays of additional Higgs bosons

9 Jul 2024, 12:00
Ito Hall (Ito International Research Center)

Ito Hall

Ito International Research Center

Oral presentation (in person) Higgs, Electro-Weak Higgs, Electroweak


Mariko KIKUCHI (Nihon University)


In order to test and discriminate the extended Higgs models, it is quite important to include radiative corrections to the analyses for the synergy between the precise measurements of the discovered Higgs boson (h125) and the direct searches for additional Higgs bosons. Deviations of couplings of h125 from the standard model (SM) predictions give the upper limit on masses of additional Higgs bosons, and change predictions of decay rates of additional Higgs bosons. Precise calculations including loop corrections are clearly important for comparison with precise measurements of the h125 couplings in future collider experiments. We calculate the loop-corrected correlation between the branching ratio of additional Higgs bosons and the deviation in the h125 → ZZ∗ decay from the SM prediction in the two Higgs doublet model,
and show that loop corrections can significantly change the correlation predicted at LO. We perform the calculations of loop corrections based on Fortran code "H-COUP version 3" (http://www-het.phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/~hcoup/) with some modifications for the renormalization conditions.

Primary authors

Mariko KIKUCHI (Nihon University) Shinya Kanemura (Osaka University) Kei Yagyu (Toyama) Kodai Sakurai (Tohoku University) Dr Masashi Aiko

Presentation materials