8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Probing BSM neutral gauge boson in high and low energy experiments

9 Jul 2024, 14:40
Fukutake Hall

Fukutake Hall

Oral presentation (remote) BSM, Global Interpretations BSM, Global Interpretations


Arindam Das


Over a period of time neutral BSM gauge boson is becoming important in the high energy as well as low energy experiments. In this talk we would like to present my recent works where we studied $Z^\prime$, a neutral chiral gauge boson under a general $U(1)$ extension of the Standard Model. In this scenario, there are three generations of right handed neutrinos are introduced which can generate tiny neutrino mass after the breaking of general $U(1)$ gauge group. Studying a variety of low and high energy scattering and beam-dump experiments we will show the current parameter space of the general U(1) coupling as a function of the $Z^\prime$ mass for different U(1) charges.

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