8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

IP-BDS area sub-tunnel proposal and progress of the 3D CAD models of ILC

9 Jul 2024, 11:00
105 (Science building n.1)


Science building n.1

Oral presentation (in person) Conventional Facilities, Machine Detector Interface Conventional Facilities, Machine Detector interface


Dr Nobuhiro Terunuma (KEK)


The proposed sub-tunnels are considered necessary for the construction, installation and operation of the BDS and beam dump. It would also provide access to facilities such as a laser room for polarimetry, a preparation room for beam dump experiments and magnet power supply rooms.
A constantly updated 3D CAD model will also be presented.

Primary author

Dr Nobuhiro Terunuma (KEK)

Presentation materials