8–11 Jul 2024
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

AWAKE: from proof-of-concept towards first particle-physics applications

8 Jul 2024, 17:30
Foyer (Ito International Research Center)


Ito International Research Center

Poster (in person) Advanced Accelerator Concepts Posters


John Patrick Farmer (Max Planck Society (DE))


The AWAKE project at CERN makes use of plasma to transfer energy from the SPS proton beam to a short witness beam of electrons. We here give an overview of the project, from the exploitation of beam-plasma instabilities to generate large accelerating fields, to the next stages of the project, which will demonstrate sustained accelerating gradients and control of the witness bunch emittance. These developments will allow the first applications of AWAKE-like technology to particle physics in the 2030s.

Primary author

John Patrick Farmer (Max Planck Society (DE))


(AWAKE Collaboration)

Presentation materials