AD&I Meeting: Preparation for BASELINE ASSESSMENT WORKSHOP - 1


Akira Yamamoto (KEK), Marc Ross (FNAL)
This meeting will focus on the upcoming workshop devoted to developing the recommendations for Top-Level Change Control for the single-tunnel main linac and (possibly revised) design gradient specification. Due to unusual circumstances, we have two general attendance webex meetings this week:
  1. SCRF webex meeting, to be held on Aug. 25, focusing on - Gradient improvement R&D issues, and - Single tunnel HLRF (KCS/DCRF, backup RDR issues, and
    ( – password ilcml)
  2. AD&I webex meeting to be held on Aug. 27, focusing on - Brief summary of the discussion held on Aug. 25, and - Further discussion of HLRF (as needed; extension of Wednesday’s meeting) - Main Linac Accelerating (cavity) Gradient ( – password ilcadi)

The two meetings will be used to prepare for the Baseline Assessment Workshop # 1, to be held at KEK 07 – 10 September, 2010. Please note the combined nature of the two meetings – attendance to either one is not limited. For this week’s webex meetings, we would like to ask each of the workshop presenters to report (5 to 10 minutes) on their preparation for the BAW, as summarized below:

Topic: AD&I Meeting (BAW 1 Preparation) <\h2> Date: Friday, August 27, 2010
Time: 8:00 am, Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00)
Meeting Number: 754 992 053
Meeting Password: ilcadi
To join the online meeting (Now from the Apple iPhone (R) and other smartphones!)
  1. Go to
  2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
  3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: ilcadi
  4. Click "Join". <\ol>

    • 13:00 13:10
      Summary - Gradient R&D and HLRF 10m
      Summary of Wednesday 25 August webex SCRF meeting
      Speaker: Prof. Akira Yamamoto (KEK)
    • 13:10 13:20
      Single tunnel CF design 10m
      Atsushi Enomoto in cooperation with Vic Kuchler, and John Osborne - Design status of Single tunnel CF design, - Boundary conditions for HLRF discussions from CF view points,
      Speakers: John Andrew Osborne (CERN), Mr Victor Kuchler (Fermilab), Dr atsushi Enomoto (KEK)
    • 13:20 13:30
      LLRF 10m
      Requirements from LLRF and control margin
      Speaker: Dr Shinichiro Michizono (KEK)
    • 13:30 13:40
      Gradient and power overhead 10m
      - Experience from FLASH experiments and - discussion on overhead,
      Speaker: Mr John Carwardine (Argonne)
    • 13:40 13:50
      RDR HLRF technology - single tunnel 10m
      Experience from XFEL specially focusing on installation of HLRF in single tunnel
      Speaker: Mr Wilhelm Bialowons (DESY)
    • 13:50 14:00
      Cost estimation 10m
      Comments from cost estimate/establishment view points,
      Speaker: Peter Garbincius (FNAL)
    • 14:00 14:10
      Preparation for Industrialization 10m
      Speakers: Prof. Akira Yamamoto (KEK), Jim Kerby (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))