ILC Damping Rings Workshop (ILCDR06)

Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

Ithaca, New York
This is the first in a series of workshops to prepare and implement R&D plans for the ILC Damping Rings. This meeting will focus on three primary areas of research: fast injection/extraction kickers, electron cloud in the positron damping ring, and impedance and impedance-driven instabilities.
ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop (ILCDR06) Home Page
    • 07:45 08:00
      Shuttle to ILR Conference Center 15m

      Ithaca Airporter shuttle from the Holiday Inn to the ILC Conference Center on the Cornell Campus.

    • 08:00 08:30
      Breakfast 30m 2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Continental breakfast and coffee on the 2nd floor of the ILR Conference Center

    • 08:30 09:05
      Opening Plenary Session Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Introduction to Cornell and meeting facilities.
      Discussion of Damping Ring R&D planning.
      Charges to working groups.

      • 08:30
        Introduction: Damping Rings R&D Status 30m
        Speaker: Dr Andrzej Wolski (LBNL)
    • 09:10 10:30
      Impedance and Impedance-Driven Instabilities Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York
      • 09:10
        Integrated Modeling of Damping Rings 20m
        Speaker: Dr Michael Borland (ANL)
      • 09:30
        Impedance and Instabilities at the APS storage ring 20m
        Kathy Harkay
        Speaker: Dr Kathy Harkay (ANL)
    • 09:10 10:30
      Injection/Extraction Kickers Room 329

      Room 329

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers configuration and parameters

      • 09:10
        How parameters drive the kickers and septa 15m Room 229

        Room 229

        Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

        Ithaca, New York
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Mattison (UBC)
      • 09:25
        Injection, extraction and abort line optics 15m Room 329

        Room 329

        Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

        Ithaca, New York
        Speaker: Dr Ina Reichel (LBNL)
      • 09:40
        Baseline injection/extraction configuration 20m Room 229

        Room 229

        Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

        Ithaca, New York
        Speaker: Dr Louis Emery (ANL)
      • 10:00
        Alternative injection/extraction configuration 10m Room 229

        Room 229

        Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

        Ithaca, New York
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Mattison (UBC)
      • 10:10
        RF-separated bypass 20m Room 229

        Room 229

        Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

        Ithaca, New York
        Speaker: Dr David Rubin (Cornell)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m 2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York
    • 11:00 12:30
      Impedance and Impedance-Driven Instabilities Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Impedance and impedance-driven instabilities parallel

      • 11:00
        Bunch length measurements; and development of microwave detector for microwave instability experiments at ATF 45m
        Speaker: Prof. Junji Urakawa (KEK)
      • 11:45
        A new solver for microwave instability 30m
        Speaker: Gennady Stupakov (SLAC)
      • 12:15
        Tracking code for microwave instability 15m
        Speaker: Gennady Stupakov (SLAC)
    • 11:00 12:30
      Injection/Extraction Kickers Room 329

      Room 329

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers R&D status parallel session

      • 11:00
        FID Pulsers 45m
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Efanov (FID Technology)
      • 11:45
        Inductive adder pulser 45m
        Speaker: Dr Craig Burkhart (SLAC)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Impedance and Impedance-Driven Instabilities Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Impedance and impedance-driven instabilities parallel

      • 14:00
        New structure for a collimator with low impedance 30m
        Speaker: Dr Yusuke Suetsugu (KEK)
      • 14:30
        Vlasov methods to calculate instability thresholds 30m
        Speaker: Dr Marco Venturini (LBNL)
      • 15:00
        Multiparticle tracking as a tool for studying microwave instability 30m
        Speaker: Dr Karl Bane (SLAC)
    • 14:00 15:30
      Injection/Extraction Kickers Room 329

      Room 329

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers R&D status parallel session

      • 14:00
        Development of a fast high-power pulser and ILC DR injection/extraction kicker 45m
        Speaker: Dr Craig Burkhart (SLAC)
      • 14:45
        Kicker R&D at Frascati 45m
        Speaker: Dr Fabio Marcellini (INFN-LNF)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Snack Break 30m 2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York
    • 16:00 17:00
      Impedance and Impedance-Driven Instabilities Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Impedance and impedance-driven instabilities parallel

      • 16:00
        Advance modeling of damping rings vacuum chamber components 30m
        Speaker: Dr Cho Ng (SLAC)
      • 16:30
        Simulations of coupled-bunch instability from resistive-wall and HOMs in ILC DRs 30m
        Speaker: Dr Lanfa Wang (SLAC)
    • 16:00 18:00
      Injection/Extraction Kickers Room 329

      Room 329

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers R&D status parallel session

      • 16:00
        Experiments with fast pulsers at ATF; and plans for fast extraction kicker for ATF2 45m
        Speaker: Prof. Junji Urakawa (KEK)
      • 16:45
        Kicker R&D at Cornell/UIUC/FNAL 45m
        Speaker: Dr Robert Meller (Cornell)
      • 17:30
        Kicker R&D at LBNL 30m
        Speaker: Dr Stefano de Santis (LBNL)
    • 17:00 18:00
      Electron Cloud Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Electron cloud parallel session

    • 18:00 18:15
      Shuttle to Holiday Inn Ithaca 15m
    • 08:00 08:15
      Shuttle to ILR Conference Center 15m
    • 08:15 09:00
      Breakfast 45m 2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York
    • 09:00 10:30
      Electron Cloud Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Electron cloud parallel session

      • 09:00
        Capability of WARP-POSINST for ILC electron cloud calculations 30m
        Speaker: Dr Christine Celata (LBNL)
      • 09:30
        Summary of CERN e-cloud activity for ILC 30m
        Speaker: Dr Giovanni Rumolo (CERN)
      • 10:00
        Wake field generated by a train of bunches in an electron cloud 30m
        Speaker: Dr Levi Schachter (Cornell)
    • 09:00 10:30
      Injection/Extraction Kickers Room 329

      Room 329

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers R&D plans parallel session

      • 09:00
        Plans for SLAC/LLNL 30m
        Speaker: Dr Craig Burkhart (SLAC)
      • 09:30
        Plans for UIUC/FNAL/Cornell 30m
        Speaker: Dr George Gollin (UIUC)
      • 10:00
        Plans for KEK/ATF 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Junji Urakawa (KEK)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m 2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York
    • 11:00 12:30
      Electron Cloud Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Electron cloud parallel session

    • 11:00 12:30
      Injection/Extraction Kickers Room 329

      Room 329

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers R&D plans parallel session

      • 11:00
        Plans for LNF 30m
        Speaker: Dr Fabio Marcellini (INFN-LNF)
      • 11:30
        Plans for SLAC (DSRD) 30m
        Speaker: Dr Craig Burkhart (SLAC)
      • 12:00
        Kicker R&D at TRIUMF and other possible technologies 30m
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Mattison (UBC)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Electron Cloud Room 329

      Room 329

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Electron cloud parallel session

      • 14:00
        Electron cloud in wigglers 30m
        Speaker: Dr Lanfa Wang (SLAC)
      • 14:30
        Clearing electrode measurements and simulations 30m
        Speaker: Dr Art Molvik (LBNL)
      • 15:00
        Fast ion instability studies at ATF 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Junji Urakawa (KEK)
    • 14:00 14:45
      Injection/Extraction Kickers and Impedance Joint Session Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers and impedance joint session

      • 14:00
        Joint impedance and kickers discussion 45m
    • 14:45 15:30
      Injection/Extraction Kickers Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers operational experience

      • 14:45
        Discussion: Operational experience with kickers 45m
    • 15:30 16:00
      Snack Break 30m 2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York
    • 16:00 18:00
      Test Facilities Plenary Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Test Facilities Plenary

      • 16:00
        CesrTF 45m
        Speaker: Dr Mark Palmer (Cornell University LEPP)
      • 16:45
        HERA-DR 45m
        Speaker: Dr Ferdinand Willeke (DESY)
      • 17:30
        Discussion 30m
    • 18:00 21:00
      Workshop Reception and Dinner 3h Reception in the Rowe Room; Dinner in the Taylor Room (Statler Hotel)

      Reception in the Rowe Room; Dinner in the Taylor Room

      Statler Hotel

      Cornell Campus
    • 21:00 21:15
      Shuttle to Holiday Inn Ithaca 15m Departing from the Statler Hotel Main Entrance (Statler Hotel)

      Departing from the Statler Hotel Main Entrance

      Statler Hotel

    • 08:00 08:15
      Shuttle to ILR Conference Center 15m
    • 08:15 09:00
      Breakfast 45m 2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York
    • 09:00 09:30
      Test Facilities Plenary (continued)
      • 09:00
        Utilization of KEKB for ILC R&D 30m
        Speaker: Dr Yusuke Suetsugu (KEK)
    • 09:30 10:30
      Electron Cloud Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Electron cloud working group closeout

    • 09:30 10:30
      Impedance and Impedance-driven Instabilities Room 329

      Room 329

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Impedance working group closeout

    • 09:30 10:30
      Injection/Extraction Kickers Room 326

      Room 326

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Injection/extraction kickers working group closeout

    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m 2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      2nd floor ILR Conference Center food facilities

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York
    • 11:00 12:30
      Closing Plenary Session Room 229

      Room 229

      Cornell University's ILR Conference Center

      Ithaca, New York

      Future planning overview

      Australian Synchrotron Installation Video
      Australian Synchrotron Presentation
      • 11:00
        Discussions on e-cloud R&D plan 30m
        Speaker: Dr Mauro Pivi (SLAC)
      • 11:30
        Discussions on fast kickers R&D plan 30m
        Speaker: Dr Michael Zisman (LBNL)
      • 12:00
        Discussions on impedance R&D plan 30m
        Speaker: Dr Andrzej Wolski (LBNL)
    • 13:00 13:30
      Shuttle to Ithaca-Tompkins Regional Airport and Holiday Inn Ithaca 30m