ILD Analysis/Software Meeting


Vidyo connection (meeting 10614863):

PIN : 7638

(phone connection)


    • 1
      Performing the Point 5 Analysis on SGV with Particle Flow Data
      Speaker: Madalina Chera (DESY)
    • 2
      Update on WIMP analysis
      Speaker: Moritz Habermehl (FLC DESY)
    • 3
      Mass constrained fits, etc.

      Co-author: Justin Anguiano

      Speakers: Graham Wilson, Graham Wilson (University of Kansas (US))
    • 4
      Study of HγZ coupling using e+e- -> γ H at the ILC
      Speaker: Ms Yumi Aoki (SOKENDAI,KEK)
    • 5
      Study of anomalous VVH couplings at the ILC
      Speaker: Tomohisa Ogawa (SOKENDAI)
    • 6
      Study of fermion pair productions at the ILC with center of mass energy of 250 GeV
      Speaker: Hiroaki Yamashiro (Kyushu University)
    • 7
      Hadron Production in Photon-Photon processes and the BSM signatures with small mass differences
      Speaker: Swathi Sasikumar (DESY)
    • 8
      EFT fit on top quark EW couplings
      Speaker: Martín Perelló Roselló (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) - Valencia)
    • 9
      Heavy Charged Higgs Pair Production
      Speakers: Christian Drews (Tohoku University), Christian Drews, Christian Drews
    • 10
      Top elw. couplings with matrix element method
      Speaker: Yo Sato (Tohoku Univeristy)
    • 11
      Request for official re-reconstruction of the DBD samples (250 GeV 4f_WW_semileptonic and 2f_Z_hadronic) with a new version of Pandora
      Speakers: Kostiantyn Shpak (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Kostiantyn Shpak (LLR)
    • 12
      Higgs mass measurement using recoil and jet direction method
      Speaker: Junping Tian (University of Tokyo)