Vidyo rooms
We will provide Vidyo rooms to connect to each session of the conference. Please note that we could not guarantee the quality of the connections, so please have a backup option if you plan to talk remotely. The connection is basically separated to the public WiFi which all the participants use so that we hope the connection is better.
- Plenary/Positron Polarization (ext. 10729108)
- Higgs (incl. Joint) (ext. 107291081)
- BSM/Top (excl. Joint) (ext. 107291082)
- Sim/Reco (incl. Joint) (ext. 107291083)
- Calo/Track (excl. Joint) (ext. 107291084)
- CFS (incl. Joint) (ext. 107291085)
- Source/Beam dynamics (excl. Joint) (ext. 107291086)
- Industrial/Green/SCRF (excl. Joint) (ext. 107291087)
- ATF/DR/MDI (excl. Joint) (ext. 107291088)
- E-JADE/LOC room (used as a backup) (ext. 107291089)