Workshop on Top physics at the LC

12-22-RC-08 (LPNHE Paris)



LPNHE - Barre 12-22, 1er étage 4 place Jussieu 75252 PARIS CEDEX 05 Tel 01 44 27 63 13 (see also Venue Map below)
Top quark production in the process e+e--> tt at a future linear electron positron collider with polarised beams is a powerful tool to determine the scale of new physics. Studies at the tt threshold will allow for precise determination of the top quark mass in a well defined theoretical framework. At higher energies vector, axial vector and tensorial CP conserving couplings can be separately determined for the photon and the Z^0 component in the electroweak production process. The direct observation of tth in the clean environment of e+e- collisions is another asset of the Linear Collider physics program. The full exploitation of the potential of top quark physics at the Linear Collider requires a very close collaboration between theoretical and experimental groups over the coming years. The workshop will bring together experts working in the field with the aim to contribute to a structured approach to the open questions. The workshop is jointly organised by LPNHE Paris and LAL Orsay by these people Emi Kou, François LeDiberder, François Richard, Dirk Zerwas, Didier Lacour and Roman Pöschl The programme committee is composed by Keisuke Fuji (KEK,, Wolfgang Hollik (MPP Muenchen,, Didier Lacour (LPNHE Paris, and Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia, NEW 27/7/14!!!! Workshop summary under
Diner Map
Venue map
  • Adam Falkowski
  • Akimasa Ishikawa
  • Anja Butter
  • Annick Lleres
  • Benjamin Fuks
  • Didier Lacour
  • Dirk Zerwas
  • Eduardo Ros
  • Emi Kou
  • Fabian Bach
  • Francois Le Diberder
  • Francois Richard
  • Frederic Deliot
  • Ignacio Garcia
  • Inna Kucher
  • Jan Winter
  • Juergen Reuter
  • Jérémy ROUENE
  • Keisuke FUJII
  • Marc Besancon
  • Marcel Vos
  • Olivier Mattelaer
  • PHAN Khiem Hong
  • Richard Kriske
  • Roman Poeschl
  • Sviatoslav Bilokin
  • Taikan Suehara
  • Tomohiro Horiguchi
  • Tord Riemann
  • Viatcheslav Sharyy
  • Werner Bernreuther
  • Yuichiro Kiyo
  • Wednesday 5 March
    • 13:30 13:50
      Welcome and opening
      Conveners: Didier Lacour (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR)), Didier Lacour (LPNHE Paris), Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK), Marcel Vos (IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia), Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Prof. Wolfgang Hollik (MPP)
      • 13:30
        Welcome 10m
        Speaker: Reynald Pain
      • 13:40
        Introductory and organisational remarks 10m
        Speaker: Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
    • 13:50 15:50
      Top physics at tt threshold
      Conveners: Didier Lacour (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR)), Didier Lacour (LPNHE Paris), Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK), Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Marcel Vos (IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia), Prof. Wolfgang Hollik (MPP)
      • 14:00
        Top mass and ILC and LHC - Theoretical issues 20m
        Speaker: Andre Hoang
      • 14:20
        Top mass from shape analysis at LHC 20m
        Speakers: Mr Jan Winter (CERN and TU Dresden), Jan Winter (Fermilab)
      • 14:40
        Theory at tt threshold 20m
        Speaker: Yuichiro Kiyo
      • 15:00
        Top pair production near the threshold at the ILC 20m
        Speaker: Mr Tomohiro Horiguchi (Department of Physics, Tohoku University)
      • 15:20
        tt threshold in WHIZARD 20m
        Speaker: Fabian Bach (DESY)
    • 15:50 16:10
      Coffee Break 20m
    • 16:10 18:10
      Electroweak couplings and higher order elw. corrections
      Conveners: Didier Lacour (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR)), Didier Lacour (LPNHE Paris), Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK), Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Marcel Vos (IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia), Prof. Wolfgang Hollik (MPP)
      • 16:10
        Review on studies of CP conserving couplings 10m
        Speaker: Jeremy Rouene (LAL)
      • 16:20
        Review on studies of CP violating couplings 10m
        Speaker: Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
      • 16:30
        gg-> Hadrons background, jet reconstruction and LC top physics 20m
        Speaker: Mr Ignacio Garcia Garcia (IFIC Valencia)
      • 16:50
        Asymmetries at hadron colliders 20m
        Speaker: Adam Falkowski (LPT Orsay)
      • 17:10
        Weak corrections for top@LC 2004, 2014, 2024 20m
        Speaker: Tord Riemann (DESY Zeuthen)
      • 17:30
        Electroweak corrections 20m
        Speakers: Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Marcel Vos (IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia), Dr Pedro Ruiz Femenia (IFIC, Valencia)
    • 19:00 22:00

      Please note that the LPNHE is close to the Institut du Monde Arabe (see attached map)

  • Thursday 6 March
    • 09:30 10:20
      Electroweak couplings and higher order elw. corrections
      Conveners: Didier Lacour (LPNHE Paris), Didier Lacour (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR)), Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK), Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Marcel Vos (IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia), Prof. Wolfgang Hollik (MPP)
      • 09:30
        Present and future constraints on top EW couplings 20m
        Speaker: Mr Francois Richard (LAL Orsay)
      • 09:50
        Anomalous ttbar couplings in WHIZARD 20m
        Speaker: Fabian Bach (DESY)
    • 10:20 10:35
      Coffee Break 15m
    • 10:35 12:35
      Tools: Generators for top quark physics at the LC
      Conveners: Didier Lacour (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR)), Didier Lacour (LPNHE Paris), Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK), Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Marcel Vos (IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia), Prof. Wolfgang Hollik (MPP)
      • 10:35
        GRACE 25m
        Speaker: Yoshimasa Kurihara (KEK)
      • 11:00
        WHIZARD 25m
        Speaker: Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany)
      • 11:25
        MADGRAPH I 25m
        Speaker: Olivier Mattelaer (UC Louvain)
      • 11:50
        MADGRAPH II – FeynRules and Madanalysis 25m
        Speaker: Benjamin Fuks (IPHC Strasbourg)
    • 12:35 13:35
      Conclusions and the way ahead
      Conveners: Didier Lacour (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR)), Didier Lacour (LPNHE Paris), Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK), Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Marcel Vos (IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia), Prof. Wolfgang Hollik (MPP)