The purpose of this meeting is to review the work on the ATF2 project and on selected MDI topics done jointly by the three IN2P3 groups at LAL-Orsay, LAPP-Annecy and LLR-Polytechnique and by the Japanese groups at KEK and Tokyo University. The topics covered are beam tuning and optimisation, participation in beam phase-space measurements being planned in current extraction line, GEANT4 modeling of the beam line and simulations to estimate backgrounds from beam losses, ground motion modeling and feedback, stable support of the final doublet and IP measurement equipment, laser controled alignment reference, related beam instrumentation. The meeting agenda will revolve around these topics to review the current activities and status in each. Since many of these topics are also done in collaboration with other colleagues in the UK, Spain, at SLAC and at CERN, participation is encouraged from members of the corresponding groups, directly or via phone/webex connection. Sessions with Japanese phoning in will be 9-12am (4-7pm in Japan). Sessions with SLAC phoning in will be 3-6pm (6-9am at SLAC), or possibly a bit later for convenience. The detailed agenda is being prepared at present and will appear below.
Stable support for FD: measurement update with FFTB movers and weights, computerised drawings, status of new TMC table purchase and overall design considerations¶30m